Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Baby Swallows in a Nest

In one of my family member's stable, (in the countryside) a bunch of little swallows were born! They were SO cute! Let's make them famous by watching this video.

Monday, 23 July 2018


Archie is a dog that lives in the country.

If you look at him at first, you'll think that he's just a cute little puppy that would never ever bite or rip a boot. But that's what he looks like when he is in his tiny "room" or yard.When he is out of his yard he like a madman or maniac!!🤪

He runs around everywhere in sight with his favourite boot (which he proudly destroyed himself)!

Here's a video of "Archie the Maniac":

Now Archie is punished, so now he actually is a miserable tiny dog I feel so bad for him...